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A Yooper's Summer on Isle Royale
By Dan Kemp • iUniverse • ISBN: 978-1475984392 • $13.95 Softcover
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From the Top: Brief Transmissions from Tent Show Radio
By Michael Perry • Wisconsin Historical Society Press • ISBN: 978-0-87020-680-1 • $15.95 Softcover
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Discovering the Penokees
By Joel Austin • Sweetwater Visions • ISBN: 978-0-9659189-6-1• $28.95 Softcover
A Yooper’s Summer on Isle Royale
by Dan Kemp
iUniverse • ISBN: 978-1475984392 • $13.95 Softcover
There’s a definite difference between the Finnish concept of tenacity and courage called “sisu” and the bravado of youthful swagger, but it’s Sisu, a 14-foot boat, that takes two daredevilish Upper Peninsula youths to their rollicking summer on Isle Royale. As only foolish young people should do, they take their small boat across the Big Lake to seasonal jobs at the island’s lodge. As if that idea wasn’t half baked enough, they smuggle booze to sell, too – and the adventure begins.
Dan Kemp says the story is based on his youth, but calls it fiction in case the statute of limitations is not yet up on all exploits. This irreverent tale, told in a young man’s voice, revels in rough language, wild escapades and harsh assessments of most anyone in authority.
Dan’s humor trends toward the raucous, but there’s also young romance (male perspective only, mind you), wilderness, dodging authority and plenty of bonehead choices – in short, a summer to remember and one that may conjure a few fond memories for many a Northland reader.
From the Top: Brief Transmissions from Tent Show Radio
by Michael Perry
Wisconsin Historical Society Press • ISBN: 978-0-87020-680-1 • $15.95 Softcover
Homespun wit and wisdom rank as high as the philosophical classics for me or maybe higher (I haven’t read most of those classics).
Michael Perry comfortably fits into the humorous storytelling genre honed by the likes of Will Rogers and Garrison Keillor.
This book is essentially a collection of filler – the on-stage observations Michael makes between sets as host of the Lake Superior Big Top Chautauqua. They resonate with basic truths (especially about our north woods life) woven among the forest, water and, in Michael’s case, the farm where he resides with family, pets and chickens (lots of chickens in there).
Michael’s book Population 485 about a Wisconsin town was chosen as Duluth’s “One Book, One Community” selection in 2009. As with that book, Michael’s stories here ultimately tell us as much about ourselves as about him. It’s the kind of philosophy reading that enlightens … with a tickle.
Discovering the Penokees
by Joel Austin
Sweetwater Visions • ISBN: 978-0-9659189-6-1• $28.95 Softcover
Let’s be frank – this photo book is intended as a call to stop mining in Wisconsin’s Penokee Hills. What elevates it beyond a single viewpoint about a complex, multiview issue is Joel Austin’s use of beautiful images to create a sense of place and use of respectfully toned quotes and essays from like-minded voices, such as Old Turtle author Douglas Wood.
A book can offer ideas without the clash of a public meeting, giving quiet time to reflect on another’s perspective or on what one’s own views may be. This is a worthy addition to a difficult community discussion.
Books here, unless indicated, should be available through local booksellers with the ISBN number.