Grandma's Marathon
Grandma's Saloon & Grill - The Original 522 S. Lake Ave., Duluth, Minnesota 55802
Grandma's Marathon is a 26.2-mile race from Two Harbors, along Lake Superior on North Shore Scenic Drive, to Duluth and ending in Canal Park. The Garry Bjorklund Half Marathon is a 13.1-mile race that begins near the Clearwater Grille on Lake Superior on North Shore Scenic Drive and finishes at the same finish line as Grandma’s Marathon in Canal Park. This popular race is run on the last half of the Grandma's Marathon course. Other activities include the Essentia Health Fitness and Health Expo, free at the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center arena, June 14 and 15; and the Whipper Snapper Races for Kids at Bayfront Festival Park June 15. On the weekend, there's live music under the big top tent in Canal Park. For information, call 218-727-0947.