"The U.S. Navy during the Vietnam War"
Carmody Irish Pub & Brewing 308 E. Superior St., Duluth, Minnesota 55802
"The U.S. Navy during the Vietnam War" is the latest “History in a Pint,” a local history discussion series presented by Veterans’ Memorial Hall, a program of the St. Louis County Historical Society. The presentation will take place at Carmody Irish Pub & Brewing at 6 p.m. Tuesday, October 16. It focuses on one of the least known chapters of the Vietnam War, the story of the Navy, as told by Dwight “Deac” Nelson. The event is free. Parking is available in the 1st Street parking ramp behind and connected to the Sheraton Hotel, across Superior Street from Carmody. Veterans’ Memorial Hall was established in 1910 and its mission isl to preserve and collect veterans’ stories and artifacts and to educate the general public about the history of veterans from northeastern Minnesota. Its website, www.vets-hall.org, features more than 6,000 veteran stories. For more Information, contact Dan Hartman at 218-310-5356.