February / March 2016
On the cover: Cascade River State Park in Minnesota, photographed by Nance Knauer. Nance was a winner in the 21st annual Lake Superior Photo Contest.
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Looking for the America by Karen Sunderman
An elegant workhorse of a vessel, the SS America dominated North Shore transportation in its life and remained beloved after it wrecked.
The Winners Revealed: 21st Annual Photo Contest
When choosing the best images in five different categories, there’s no question who wins – all of us who get to see these fantastic photos.
Our Working Water: A State of the Lake Report by Konnie LeMay
You probably don’t give the water from your faucet a second thought, but our lakeside cities do and invest millions to bring us clean water.
Home: A Cabin Story by Molly Hoeg
How an heirloom property has grown with its expanding family.
Recipe Box: Sassy Soup by Mark Phillips
This winter warm up brings the flavor of spicier lands.
Health & Wellness: Game, Set, Match by Phil Bencomo
Local athletes sign on to donate life-giving blood cells here and beyond.
Education: Private Colleges by Phil Bencomo
Three colleges find their forte in small class sizes and individual niches.
Weddings: Woodland Weddings by Felicia Schneiderhan
One of the hottest nuptial trends is tailor-made for our Big Lake region.
Behind the Pages
Welcome to the Big Lake: Water Wonders by Konnie LeMay
Around the Circle by Phil Bencomo
Reviews: Good Winter Reads
Lake Superior Journal: A Corner’s Worth of Pride by Davis Helberg
By the Shores: New Snow Blanket by Christian Dalbec
Travel & Events by Bob Berg
Lake Superior Marketplace
View•Point: Find the Fox by Mary Amerman